Godfrey Fuji Noe

RAWK with Our History Session I

RAWK With Our History (Session 1)

Godfrey Noe, Data Scientist and also our Black Rawk Nation Historian, showered us with a new perspective about the origins of our ancestral identity and began connecting the dots of our psychology with the irrefutable proof of the Lebombo Bone and the Ishango Bone, beckoning us all to closely examine what we have been taught vs the truth.

Godfrey’s Book Recommendations

Destruction of Black Civilizationhttps://www.amazon.com/Destruction-Black-Civilization-Issues-D/dp/1716802105/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1598308193&sr=8-2

The African Origin of Civilization:

A Multitude of All Peoples:

Articles Mitochondrial Evehttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100817122405.htm

Lebombo and Ishango Bones Summary:

Note that this link is a pretty good summary of the bones although I don't know a lot about the site.

RAWK with Our History Session II

RAWK With Our History (Session 2)

Godfrey Noe, brings the knowledge once again as he dissects the psychology behind the value structures that the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King attempted to topple, as he encouraged our people to build their own. Check out this insightful and empowering session as Godfrey reveals solutions that are all about progress, solidarity and real economic change. Register for empowering content every week with Black Rawk Nation: https://www.blackrawknation.com/register


RAWK With Our History, with Godfrey Fuji Noe - Session 3

This is Godfrey Fuji Noe's 3rd installment for RAWK With Our History, and this time he's bringing solutions. If you are trying to determine how you can make an impact in your everyday life, and in your community, Godfrey has beautifully summarized what we can do to push things forward. 

Download your copy of:

Resources for kids regarding race and ethnicity:

https://www.npr.org/2019/04/24/716700866/talking-race-with-young-children https://www.embracerace.org/



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