Black Rawk Nation Videos
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Critical Conversations Series
Critical Conversations explores social and cultural issues that impact the health and well-being of our society - with the objective to provoke thought, bring about awareness, and galvanize our communities towards positive change by developing support systems, providing information, creating resources, and sharing action plans.
Videos from our Global Health & Wellness Annual Campaign
Sunday Sizzle
Every Sunday during our Annual Campaign, treat yourself to a live cooking demonstration or vibrational conversation from our wonderful plant-based food experts and participants. You don’t have to convert to veganism, but you can always find ways to add healthy, life-giving foods to your diet. Come for the food, stay for the vibrational conversation.
Monday Groove
Every Monday morning you can rise and shine with a morning meditation session, or yoga, calisthenics, strength training and different ways to get your body active, flexible, strong and centered. Join the virtual community that has YOU in mind.
Monday UNITE!
Find out what you can do to empower your community, and yourself, and vote in a way that changes things for the better (this is a recurring theme presented every Monday to give you time to walk it out during the week). Dedicate some time to learn more about ways to empower yourself and your community. Let’s talk black politics and planning for purposeful action.
Tuesday Triumph
The inaugural Tuesday Triumph 2020 includes the astounding intro to the life changing
series Journey to Destiny, presented by our brilliant speaker Christina Sanford.
This powerful series takes you on a 10-week expedition of:
Exploring the Human Experience
in the Context of Struggle, Healing & Transformation.
We promise this 10-week program will transform your entire life for the better.
Wow Me Wednesday
Welcome to Wow Me Wednesday. We discuss a wide range of topics on this segment, and that includes our heroes. We have heroes all around us wonderful, beautiful BLACK HEROES and it’s important to elevate, celebrate, support and encourage our heroes and draw inspiration from their experiences and their stories.
Thursday Thrive
Thursday Thrive is filled with Tips, Resources, Strategies for Small Businesses, Micro Enterprises, Navigating Unemployment and Corporate America, or any workplace. We promise to provide as many solutions from real business leaders and owners that have walked the path of working for a company or launching a business of their own. We’ll talk about it all right here!
Friday Finance
Welcome to our Friday Finance segment. Every Friday, we will talk about financial issues that impact the economic foundation of the Black Community. It’s vitally important to present solutions, everyday steps that we can take to make better, informed decisions about budgeting, SAVING, building credit, and INVESTING choices that lead to financial health and wellness and ultimately financial freedom.
RAWK History
RAWK With Our History (Rebuilding A Wonderful Kinship With Our History) is one of our newest segments. True to our pillars of Connection, Empowerment and Transformation, it is absolutely essential that we are connected to our original identity, our original history - tune in every session to find out more than you ever expected.
Special Programs and Events
Father Figures
Shift the dynamic in your life and your communities by Rewriting The Narrative in You!
CHANGE YOUR IDENTITY with stellar cast of Father Figures starring:
Hallerin Hill
Joel “Joey” Kibble
Duawne Starling
Percy Bady
Mason West
This is a journey for those that DARE to seek change! A special feature that is sure to transform your life.