Mesha Blackwell
Watch Mesha take us through a high-powered High Intensity Interval Training session with some great exercise modifications that are sure to help you at any level. Who knew you could stretch your ankles???
Hooray for Mesha!!!! For those of us that are just breaking into an exercise routine, thank goodness this session is recorded. You can exercise the 5-day grace period Mesha mentioned, to ramp up to this session and her previous session. And what a beautiful, yet tear-jerking story Mesha shared of her tragedies to triumphs. Her story will move you in many ways. Mesha definitely put our groove into motion as she encouraged us to speak into existence what we want, and to develop daily habits that support success. Even in how Mesha addressed unwanted fats in her body on her way to transformation, by calling FAT - Foul, Anti-Functional, Tissue, to her faith being integral in her life, she speaks with a power and a determination that we all have within us, to keep moving forward.